IPRCL is hiring for 13 positions, including General Manager, Sr. Manager, and other roles. Vacancies are available on a deputation, contract, or re-employment basis.
Positions include General Manager (Projects & Contracts), Jt. General Manager (S&T), Sr. Manager (Finance & Accounts), and Project Site Engineer (Civil), among others.
Required qualifications vary by post, including degrees in Civil, Electrical, Electronics Engineering, or Master’s degrees and MBAs for senior roles.
Age limits differ based on employment type: Deputation (up to 57 years), Contract (40-45 years), and Re-employment (up to 63 years).
Applications must be submitted in hard copy format, either by post or courier, to the General Manager (HR) at the IPRCL Corporate Office in Mumbai.
The last date for submitting applications is September 20, 2024. Ensure all documents are included and submitted before this date.
The recruitment notification was issued on August 30, 2024. Check the IPRCL website for additional details and updates.
Send applications to the IPRCL Corporate Office at 4th Floor, Nirman Bhavan, Mumbai Port Trust Building, M. P. Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai – 400010.
1. Include self-attested copies of educational certificates, experience certificates, and any other relevant documents with your application.